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Here to Help

  • What type of computer equipment do I need?
    Any relatively recent PC or Mac will work. You can even use an iPadâ„¢, a tablet or a recent mobile phone. High-speed internet access is preferred (2mb or more), because a slow Internet connection may be frustrating.
  • Are you accredited with the Department of Education?
    Homeschooling is a legally recognised alternative to traditional schooling. For Grades 1 to 9 parents are required to register their children as homeschooled with their Provincial Department of Education. We register learners on behalf of the parents and we provide you with a portfolio of evidence to support your child’s progress in the CAPS curriculum.
  • Are there parent-teacher interactions i.e. termly parent teacher meetings?
    Parent engagement in their child’s education is a vital component of success and parents can engage with teachers as often as necessary through our management team. We also have virtual parent-teacher meetings at the end of each term.
  • Are parents notified when learners do not attend class? Does the parent receive immediate notification when a learner is absent?
    All our educators keep a record of attendance for every lesson. If a learner did not attend a lesson without the parent informing us, we will notify the parent/guardian immediately.
  • Are all lessons live interactive lessons?
Online Class
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